Just got back from my absolute, abso_LUTE fave bar here in Memphis - Ubee's...
I love that place because it's this cool little college bar only about a mile from my house, over across the street from the University of Memphis (where I also attend college - free of charge, due to my disability with MS). They have a cool outside patio where you can basically? Get drunk and talk to
people - like the days "before" WIFI - Ha!!!
I love this town - I live in the absolute best town possible. And even though I have been only the biggest homebody in the WORLD since I have been sick, I still, still still still absolutely love to get out and mingle with folks.
Memphis is a great college town. Everything I ever drive to is only something like within 3 or 4 miles of my house. I don't have to spend a lot of money to go out and have a good time, either. Plus that and I can drink like a fish without any consequence.
Not that I drank like a fish tonight, because I did not. I went up there originally with my 12-string acoustic guitar (what I _usually_ take with me...) in the back of my LaCrosse - never bothered taking the thing with me, though, because I had a wild hair up my keister that wanted to get out and have a little bit of fun, around 1am time - since I have been the type to be able to be up for, well - a week at a time if I have to - since I stopped working back in '08 - I can be up at whatever time of the day it might be and go out and have a good time, ya know? Anyway, I had two budweisers within two hours of each other - keeps me legal to drive - to which after I get home, I will get out my bottle of bourbon or my moonshine or whatever I have "on tap" here at my house to drink 'after hours' - you know what I mean?
Which means the world to a 35 year old going on 36 (at the end of September) - yes - I am a Libra - Libras do it better, anyway - most of the peoples that I met tonight were all in their mid twenties, very cool people... I am never lonely, wherever I seem to go - does not matter a whit. I can hold a conversation with the best of them. Always been able to do that.
Plus that and I am a good storyteller who had everybody riveted that I talked to tonight, males and females alike, especially after I started talking to a group of people I happened to meet, party with and hang out with about my MS. Telling folks that I was completely blind from July 2007 until May 2008 is a jaw-dropper. And I do it so well. That and stories about 3 months of chemotherapy, along with the 3 spinal taps I have had, since I have been sick. I don't go to my bar to "get laid" - I just go to talk to people, that's all. That and I am a people watcher. Always. That with being a great conversationalist. I can talk to a wall and have a great time. Doesn't matter to me - nobody hates on Drew... ever ever ever...
I got some really, really REALLY loud marijuana today. Great, great smoke. Good stuff ya know? Medical-Grade weed, if you know what I am saying? I don't smoke weed every day, but I don't NOT smoke either, ya know?
Besides - I have done some really, really reallllllyyy bad, BAD drugs out there since I turned 21. Weed? Going to be legal, at least for medical patients like myself - I say within the next 8 to 10 years. Guaranteed. Even for a Bible Belt state like Tennessee... Hell, the painkillers I take for my MS would absolutely freaking KILL your ass, and those are under lock and key in my medical safe... I am no drug dealer. Never. I don't dispense drugs. Not my business to do so. I am just a musician/singer songwriter - I am NO medical doctor. Besides - you Break into MY house? You WILL be staring at my loaded .38 revolver. Nuf' said about that...
So anyway, I just got home. Went by a local grocery that is open for 24 hours just down the street from home. Bought a loaf of bread for ninety nine cents. I can be cheap, too. But I don't give a damn.
Besides... I am a master cook & chef and could absolutely live off of my preferred meal of grilled cheese and tomato soup. I only eat once per day. That's it. Been that way for some YEARS now.
Anyway it was a great night and I am getting ready to eat and then either stay up and songwrite, listen to music, maybe play one of my guitars. I do whatever I want to. Whenever I want to.
Hope everyone out there is having a great night and/or day.
-drew =P