Thursday, November 19, 2015

figured it all out...

So.  I've figured out the best actual way to pick up women - it isn't with money - it isn't with fame - it isn't really even prestige.  Nope - all it really takes is some self-determination and some real, REAL real real real good confidence.  You gotta stound out - you gotta stand proud.  You gotta walk up in someplace like you own the motherfucker - because you do.  

Lately I've been going places with various folks.  Pretty much all of my male buddies.  We'll go to someplace like Lowes, or to the supermarket, or to a car sales place - just wherever there's a lot of people.  My boss, Kenny and myself were walking down the Lowe's isles one day, just bullshitting around and looking for some carpentry supplies, and on the opposite side of us, walking the opposite way, was this really cute 20-something gal.  I happened to notice her.  

Now it's not like I was looking all special or tricked-out or anything - nothing of the sort.  We had been working on sanding hardwood floors all summer long, and along with that, we've been doing all kinds of other stuff having to do with plumbing, air conditioning, roof repair, you name it - we've done it.  

Anyway, I happen to take about five steps when we pass the good-looking al, and as soon as I turn around, well - SHE's turning around, doing a double take on ME... ha! - success - niiiiiiiice ;)

Not like that doesn't happen to me like - alllllll the time - because it does.  I've reverted back to keeping my hairline closely-trimmed with a pair of clippers, and even though I detest actually shaving my face, I really DON'T mind using some hair trimmers (with the guard off, of course) and just substituting that for a really close shave.  

Besides - even though it's wintertime right now, here in Memphis, still - I'm comfortable with this haircut.  Love it.  Think I'll keep it this way for a good bit.

I've also been wearing my wrangler's blue jeans all summer long - 34 inch waist, 34 inch length - they make my ass look like a cowboy.  Seriously.  

Also been having a lot, a LOT of women that've been noticing and staring my way lately.

Happened to go into the tobacco store the other day with my boss, Kenny, and as we were in there, he was looking for a carton of this certain brand of cigars that are basically mini-cigars - they smoke like a cigarette, and are wayyyy better tasting, anyway.  So we walk in, I"ve got my shitkickers on that I've had since I drove  a tug at FedEx back in 1999, I've got a big old dip of kodiak dip in my mouth and I'm letting him know about this and that and this and that, blah blah blah blah - anyway - here comes the good part.

I had happened to notice this really nice-looking 20-something woman behind the counter that was working there.  She was pretty doggone cute.  Looked maybe, 22, 23, 24 maybe?  Brunette - brown eyes - about 5'4" inches tall - not fat - yeah - she caught me eyes. 

So I go help my boss Kenny find cigars for his roommate and all of that stuff, and wind up talking to this _other_ guy in there that happens to be holding onto a six-pack of Blue Moon "Belgian White" beer - I told him, "brother - I had about 3 or 4 of those the other night when I was out with my buddies, and it had to be, THE single BEST beer I've had in _quite_ a while!!!" - we chuckled a little bit about it and everything while said hottie brunette was ringing him up. 

Turns out, said brunette asked my boss, "what's his name?" while I was over on the other side of the store, getting our buddies that carton of cigars.  She told my boss that her name was "Heather", and then told her that my name was "Drew" - interesting - the place she works at is just about half a mile down the street from me, on Summer Avenue.  Might take me about five minutes to walk up there - that's about all.  Cool cool cool cool...  

Should be easy to remember.  

So I was up for the last three days straight until last night.  I happened to get a hold of some good xanex to get me some sleep - I took about six milligrams the first does, and then two more in the middle of the night when I got up again.  

Wound up sleeping about twelve hours.  It was some good, deep sleep, too.  Good stuff.  Real good stuff.  

When I've been up for extended days at a time, my neck will often begin to jerk.

Anyway - yeah, also wanted to toot my own horn that I'd like to think, I repeat, THINK that these women have been looking my way.  I would like to THINK that they've been walking around, following me around the grocery store.  I really think that they have.  

I don't think I'm conceited about it, or anything like that.  I work hard on my body.  I walk - a LOT - a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a LOT... always.  

My skin is still somewhat tan from this summer and me working out in the sun with no shirt on.  Very, very very tan.  Very.  I mean, I'm not dark like I'm a saudi arabian, or anything like that, but still - kinda dark, for a white dude.

Yeah.  Haven't been laid since 20014 - but I  really don't care.  I've had the opportunity, and have passed it up - point blank period.  I just won't sleep with anyone.  I'm picky.  Very, very very VERY picky.  

I don't know when I'll get into dating any of them, though.  I really don't.  Don't know if I have the time or the cash flow right now to do that.  Just don't know.  

Anyway, everybody out there have a great day, evening, afternoon or midnight - wherever it may be.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Okay.  I had something happen last week that _almost_ made me proud of myself... I happened to be at this one bar somewhere here in Memphis (I don't remember which...) and my best friend & musical partner, Jammin' Jimmy Ellis, happened to be with.  Anyway, the reason why I picked this particular bar, was because I wanted an ex-girlfriend of mine (the one from last summer's heartbreak...) to see my face in public, and to show her that I was doing just great without her (which I _am_(!!!)) - so yeah, I had been on Facebook beforehand a few days ago, and happened to notice this response to one of my music-postings on youtube: by none other than my ex-girlfriend.  Now, this IS the gal that broke my f***ing little heart, last summer - I had not seen this woman in the flesh since this past June.  So, yeah, I needed that time to get over her.  Okay, so I was on FB and clicked on her page; it showed that she was planning on going to hear this cover band at such-&-such, whatever, and fhat's when the okd gears of mine starting shifting around - yeah, I also forgot to add that I had broken my glasses last month in a bad bathroom fall, here at home.  Long story short, I had spent the last mknth or so just _squinting_ my nearsighted eyes out (nearsighted means you can only see what is near, just as being farsighted means that, well, figure it out; and since I had become accustomed to not being able to see everything 100%, that I would not have to meet my exes' eyes, no eye-to-eye contact; no reason to go out of my way to have to _talk_ to her, to be able to pretend that she just wasn't there.  Which is exact_ly what happened... we get in there around 9:30pm, the band had apparently been on for the last 30 minutes or so.  Anywho, Jimmy & I went and got seats in the back, kind of at the opposite side of the band that was onstage, we went up, got a beer each, and on my way back to our seat, I spotted her.  Mind you, I never show nervpusness, and can hide that QUITE well, well still - when I spotted her out of the corner of my eye, well - I _knew_ it was her.  But, as I didnt have my glasses on and I didnt want her to  KNOW that I knew she was there, I didn't get to relish in her sight.  She was with an older man, well, I say "older" but, he was really just older than ME: that's all.  He had short, gray hair, wore glasses, and looked to be somewhat of a heavyset guy.  I wonder if she has ever told him "you need to start working out", like she did with me??? - hmmm... wonder if I could use that for another premise in one of my songs??? "she told me to work out, but she's with a heavy dude" - something like that?  Anyway, I know that she saw me, and she never knew that myself (or Jimmy...) knew that she was there.  And yeah - I needed that.  It was important to tell myself that I had to llet her go.  And now - I truly have.  Goodbye forever from my heart, Kathleen... I have let your memories go.  Goodbye...

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Life - it's fast-paced, moving faster than the speed of light even... because "time" is only _perceived_ by us humans, well, time in itself does not exist... try to define time?  It's hard to do... I would define it as our perception of intervals in between events that occur in our lives... with a universe that is measured at 14 billion LY's (light years) from one end to the other... I say it's infinitely vast.  Forever & ever - lately things have been going well; I have lately, for the past month, have been taking my guitar(s) up to this japanese steakhouse that's in my neighborhood, and playing for the guests; the owner has been observing me, as of late: he likes what he sees, and asked me if I wanted to be a server - now I just have to have my abc card to be able to serve alcohol; getting ready to go up there in about another six hours or so... anyway maybe I'll be able to make some good tips, until I can pay for that abc card... I might make up for that and _then_ some... we shall see.  We shall see... -andrew