Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Okay.  I had something happen last week that _almost_ made me proud of myself... I happened to be at this one bar somewhere here in Memphis (I don't remember which...) and my best friend & musical partner, Jammin' Jimmy Ellis, happened to be with.  Anyway, the reason why I picked this particular bar, was because I wanted an ex-girlfriend of mine (the one from last summer's heartbreak...) to see my face in public, and to show her that I was doing just great without her (which I _am_(!!!)) - so yeah, I had been on Facebook beforehand a few days ago, and happened to notice this response to one of my music-postings on youtube: by none other than my ex-girlfriend.  Now, this IS the gal that broke my f***ing little heart, last summer - I had not seen this woman in the flesh since this past June.  So, yeah, I needed that time to get over her.  Okay, so I was on FB and clicked on her page; it showed that she was planning on going to hear this cover band at such-&-such, whatever, and fhat's when the okd gears of mine starting shifting around - yeah, I also forgot to add that I had broken my glasses last month in a bad bathroom fall, here at home.  Long story short, I had spent the last mknth or so just _squinting_ my nearsighted eyes out (nearsighted means you can only see what is near, just as being farsighted means that, well, figure it out; and since I had become accustomed to not being able to see everything 100%, that I would not have to meet my exes' eyes, no eye-to-eye contact; no reason to go out of my way to have to _talk_ to her, to be able to pretend that she just wasn't there.  Which is exact_ly what happened... we get in there around 9:30pm, the band had apparently been on for the last 30 minutes or so.  Anywho, Jimmy & I went and got seats in the back, kind of at the opposite side of the band that was onstage, we went up, got a beer each, and on my way back to our seat, I spotted her.  Mind you, I never show nervpusness, and can hide that QUITE well, well still - when I spotted her out of the corner of my eye, well - I _knew_ it was her.  But, as I didnt have my glasses on and I didnt want her to  KNOW that I knew she was there, I didn't get to relish in her sight.  She was with an older man, well, I say "older" but, he was really just older than ME: that's all.  He had short, gray hair, wore glasses, and looked to be somewhat of a heavyset guy.  I wonder if she has ever told him "you need to start working out", like she did with me??? - hmmm... wonder if I could use that for another premise in one of my songs??? "she told me to work out, but she's with a heavy dude" - something like that?  Anyway, I know that she saw me, and she never knew that myself (or Jimmy...) knew that she was there.  And yeah - I needed that.  It was important to tell myself that I had to llet her go.  And now - I truly have.  Goodbye forever from my heart, Kathleen... I have let your memories go.  Goodbye...

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