Thursday, January 29, 2015


Life - it's fast-paced, moving faster than the speed of light even... because "time" is only _perceived_ by us humans, well, time in itself does not exist... try to define time?  It's hard to do... I would define it as our perception of intervals in between events that occur in our lives... with a universe that is measured at 14 billion LY's (light years) from one end to the other... I say it's infinitely vast.  Forever & ever - lately things have been going well; I have lately, for the past month, have been taking my guitar(s) up to this japanese steakhouse that's in my neighborhood, and playing for the guests; the owner has been observing me, as of late: he likes what he sees, and asked me if I wanted to be a server - now I just have to have my abc card to be able to serve alcohol; getting ready to go up there in about another six hours or so... anyway maybe I'll be able to make some good tips, until I can pay for that abc card... I might make up for that and _then_ some... we shall see.  We shall see... -andrew

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