Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wasteland of Hand/Inflamed Brain...

Was watching an interesting movie while at the infusion clinic, getting my last day of 3 Solumedrol steroids doses - the movie was "The Road Warrior", which is a sequel to "Mad Max" (Mel Gibson)... it wasn't the first time I had seen the film or anything, as it came out wayyyy back in 1981 (I was only maybe two or three years old at the time it came out...), but still - an interesting movie to get to watch while in a comfy reclining chair up at the clinic.

Haven't really noticed a change in my right hand... this stuff _should_ be working - only thing I have noticed differently is that I can finally feel my right ring-finger: which is a start.

These doses should start working in no time flat.  Hopefully... I really, really really need my right hand back.  I have a gig on Sunday night, and I need all of that hand to work properly.  If it doesn't?  Well, I'm going to try this gig "on my own" - regardless... I still have my voice, I can still finger pick with my right bare hand, and even though I might not be able to use a pick for this one? 

Well I'm still going after this one... not that I'll get paid anything for the gig - I get a $20 credit while there, that lets me eat (or drink...) - whichever I prefer.  Doesn't matter to me.  I can have a few double bourbons & coke, along with a nice pizza while there or something along those lines.  Like I said - doesn't matter.

I don't know about my former partner... I haven't talked to him all week long, and the last time we spoke, we exchanged some rather heated words.  He's perfectly capable of dishing out plenty of criticism, but cannot take any back in - if you dish it out, you had better be able to take it back in.  All's I'm saying about that one.  He can also find his own way to The Cove... if he wants to go badly enough, he'll get his roommate to take him and pick him up - and with his roomie being kind of a weirdo?  Who also goes to bed by 9pm?  Well - I don't think that is going to happen.  Besides - his the gig isn't over until 10pm, and that former pardner of mine has no car of his own, and I wind up burning MY gas to get us to these places.  Just kind of fed up with all of his bullshit.  Besides - he has no problem with anybody ELSE playing one of his guitars - just ME... but has NO problem with me taking him everywhere - sick of it - just complete, complete bullshit and 'nuf said about that crap. 

I don't know what I'm going to play up at The Cove - but that doesn't matter... I'll cover some Zeppelin, some Garth Brooks, some Lynyrd Skynyrd, amongst other bands and musicians.  I can always play "on the fly" - not a huge biggie, not to me anyway.

I just really hope that this inflamed brain of mine hurries up and recuperates - that's all I ask for.  Every year around this time, I go through some stupid flareup.  Whether it's not being able to feel my right leg, or bend my right knee, or use my right hand, or what_EVER - it's a yearly thing - almost like clockwork, even. 

So - with all of that being said, I'm going to lie down and take a nap.  I'm somewhat tired, and slept really, really really hard last night.  Very hard.  Still exhausted.  Don't know what's on my agenda for today, but I'll figure it out.  Still have the taste of this IV-Solumedrol in my mouth.  It's got a rather peculiar taste to it.  Always does. 

Cheers from the Bluff City...

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